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Beijing, May 2019 – Allbirds, the San Francisco-based sustainable shoe brand that has been shaking up the footwear industry, is kicking off its expansion in China with the opening of its second regional store, located at TaiKoo Li Sanlitun Beijing. Along with the first Asian store, which opened just a month ago in Shanghai, and simultaneous online presence, including a dedicated Chinese brand site and Tmall store, Allbirds is bringing its innovative, eco-friendly and comfortable shoes to more customers around the globe. 


The 200-square meter Beijing store has found its own spot in the South area of Taikoo Li Sanlitun. Featuring a modern, minimal design that reflects the essence of the brand, Allbirds’s latest shop draws inspiration from traditional Beijing architecture–red cinnabar walls,traditional brick floor and a vintage wooden ceiling. Signature Allbirds chairs, designed by Jamie McLellan, Head of Design at Allbirds, tilt forward ever so slightly in order to provide comfort to customers during try-on and are coming in a custom red cinnabar to compliment the store’s color palette. 

Allbirds北京门店位于三里屯太古里南区,以逾两百平方米的独立门店,热情迎接每一位顾客。秉承品牌的简约设计美学,Allbirds北京门店在现代极简风格基础上注入更多“京味文化“灵感,其中包括:具有京式韵味建筑特色的朱砂红墙面、传统京砖地面以及仿古木制天花板;而由Allbirds设计总监Jamie McLellan特别设计的座椅,则在保留可前倾细节基础上,以门店主色调朱砂红色进行呈现,确保顾客试穿舒适度的同时,致敬北京的传统城市文化。

The store features three vitrines highlighting Allbirds’s hero materials: Wool, Tree and Sugarcane. The Wool collection is displayed against a clean and bright background that compliments the “comfort” characteristics of the products, while the Tree collection is displayed on top of a minimal and simple burlywood wall. Mirrors with unique shapes add a hint of playful and humorous atmosphere to the store.


True to the Allbirds ethos, the store is crafted with the environment and sustainability in every detail; adjacent to the store entrance is a living moss wall, and green plants are spread across the interior of the store. The checkout counter, made from recycled wood, features a natural and antique look with a complimentary white stone pillar. All shoe boxes are made from recycled cardboard and arranged in a colorful display that grabs guests’ attention when they enter the store. 


To celebrate the store opening, Allbirds also introduces a limited-edition of its iconic Wool Runner in “Peking Opera” – inspired by the traditional and iconic face-paint masks from Peking Opera. The limited edition features a wool upper made from superfine merino wool in colors representative of the classic form of Chinese performing art, whilst the yellow shoelace and blue and pink details are the symbol of colorful face-paint mask. The “Peking Opera Blue” Wool Runner is available exclusively at TaiKoo Li Sanlitun Beijing store with limited pairs. Last but not least, the store will offer limited-edition shoe laces in colors inspired by local iconic attractions like Forbidden City,Fragrant Hillsand Great Wall. Besides, Allbirds welcome all to join the Beijing store opening celebration on May 25th& 26thto experience the coziness and comfort of the shoes as well as thoughtfully prepared delights and interactive activities. 

为了庆祝北京店正式开幕,Allbirds发布城市特别限定款Wool Runner“京剧脸谱蓝”,并仅于北京三里屯太古里店限量发售。该限定款以国粹京剧中脸谱为灵感——鞋面以传统墨色呈现,通过柔软舒适的新西兰美利奴羊毛原料打造;鞋带则以具有色彩反差感的黄色进行呈现;蓝色及粉色的细节搭配,则将脸谱的斑斓色彩演绎极致。此外,Allbirds于北京城市地标中汲取灵感,发布三款城市限定鞋带——故宫琉璃金、香山朝霞红、长城冰川灰,为舒适穿搭带来更多时尚选择。此外,5月25日至26日,Allbirds北京店还将为到店消费者送上精致可口的餐点,以及充满环保巧思的精美礼物。

“We are very excited to open our second store in China here in the country‘s Capital to offer our unique and thoughtful store experience to the Beijing Consumers. We have been planning and working very hard to enter the market for a very long time, and believe great products and experience, and our direct communications with Chinese customers will help us build a sustainable business in China in the long run,” Said Erick Haskell, President of International at Allbirds.

“我们非常高兴看到Allbirds在中国的第二家线下实体店正式落户北京,这意味着我们在中国市场又迈出了坚实的一步。今后,我们将继续致力于为中国消费者带来环保舒适的产品以及独特的零售体验。我们也将加强与中国消费者的沟通,倾听他们的需求,从而实现品牌在中国的可持续发展。”Allbirds全球业务总裁Erick  Haskell表示。

Today, a video presented by Allbirds featuring Academy Award-winning actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio, also an investor of the brand, will be released ask “New Questions?” - What if using different materials made all the difference? 

同时,Allbirds携手致力于环境保护的奥斯卡影帝莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)发布品牌概念视频,共同提出了一个未曾被提及的问题:改变取材,会否让一切变得不同?

The certified B-Corp answers DiCaprio’s question and proves that comfort comes from nature. Allbirds not only seeks natural and recycled materials for its innovative, comfortable and streamlined designs, but always keeps sustainability in mind.  One of the many examples is that Allbirds has fully launched the "carbon neutral" plan to offset the emission it took to make shoes.

作为美国B-Corp(Benefit Corporation共益企业)官方认证企业的Allbirds则以实际行动给予回答:舒适源于自然。自创立以来,Allbirds便将自然视作灵感缪斯,不仅通过天然、环保的原材料成就创新、舒适、简约的产品设计,更持续践行可持续发展的环保理念。近期,Allbirds已全面启动“碳基金”行动计划,投入资金实现“碳抵消”,从而降低对环境的影响。

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